Farrar Lab Diversity Statement

Advisor statement on Diversity:

     The Farrar laboratory is committed to fostering and maintaining a culture of equity,
inclusion and diversity and to providing an environment in which all members of the lab
can strive to achieve their full potential. Our commitment, thus, extends to -

    a) Actively facilitating a culture where any member of the group can speak up, ask
questions and be heard and feel included, regardless of innate characteristics (age,
race, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, physical abilities) or acquired
characteristics (language skills, socio-economic background, work experience, family

  b) Celebrating the unique capabilities of each member and using these to improve our
interactions and to strengthen our science

  c) Mentoring in a manner that respects and supports needs, styles and career goals of
individuals without discrimination. Likewise, I expect that trainees will treat me and my
time with respect and be flexible with regard to mentoring style within reason.
Twenty percent of my labs PhD students have been underrepresented minorities or
those with physical disabilities, as have 40% of the undergrads who have carried out
research in my lab. All of those that have graduated to date (ie, not including current
trainees) continue to work in biomedical research or medicine. Thus, my lab has a track
record of successfully training students from diverse backgrounds.

  We have discussed this advising statement and understand the expectations and
responsibilities that come with entering into this advising relationship for PhD training.